Critical Language Scholarship Program

U.S. Department of State


The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate and graduate students. With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships between the people of the United States and other countries, CLS provides opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at every level of language learning.



You must be studying in one of the following countries:

Azerbaijan, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Korea, South, Morocco, Oman, Russia, Taiwan, Tajikistan and Tanzania


You must be from one of the following countries:

United States

Number of Awards


You must be studying one of the following:


Host Institution


Intensive overseas group based language courses (20+ hours per week) Room and board, often with a host family; A full cultural program; Host community language partners; and Domestic and international airfare

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